
PO Box 160
Saint John (NB) E2L 3X9
Telephone: (506) 632-2200
Toll free: (800) 222-9775

Home Modification Projects

Section 43 of the Workers’ Compensation Act (WC Act) allows WorkSafeNB to provide benefits to assist injured workers prepare to return to work or improve function after a workplace injury occurs.

Using this discretionary authority, this policy defines a benefit that may assist injured workers carry out activities of daily living (ADL) by providing home modifications. This benefit is intended to assist with functioning and may not result in entirely barrier-free living.

To be eligible, the worker must have experienced a serious workplace injury or illness that resulted in severe, long-term functional limitations, as determined by WorkSafeNB. This may include spinal cord or brain injuries requiring wheelchair confinement, or other workplace injuries or diseases of similar severity that may result in functional limitations with carrying out ADL at home.

Since the benefit is designed to address long-term needs, it is provided one time per claim. When requirements for both eligibility and need are met, WorkSafeNB provides either a home modification or a financial benefit.

The home modification will be provided when:

  • The home is free of structural defects; and
  • The existing home has the necessary space to complete the modifications. For example, an accessible bathroom can be provided as the current bathroom may be modified to provide the minimum space required to maneuver a wheelchair.

Financial compensation will be approved on a case-by-case basis when the home modification requirements cannot be met. The amount of the financial compensation will be equal to the estimated cost of providing the home modifications, if they could have been achieved.

Financial compensation may also be considered in other situations instead of home modifications where WorkSafeNB is satisfied it will improve ADL function. WorkSafeNB will then determine the appropriateness of the financial compensation benefit for the injured worker.

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