Telephone: (506) 634-6888
Toll free: (800) 561-9343
Fax: (506) 632-1073
239 Charlotte Street
Saint John, NB E2L 2K1
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Key Industries is an employment-first agency that provides support services to empower persons living with a disability to achieve social, community and economic independence.

In Motion/Momentum
This is a two-phase change management/pre-work contemplation program contracted through Social Development for Case Managed participants. “In Motion” is facilitated for three days/week for three weeks and “Momentum” is facilitated for four days/week for four weeks.

Ways to Work
This is a 14-week employability social skills and workplace readiness program offered for any Employment Assistance Services or Social Development referred participants seeking assistance with honing their workplace social skills.

Workplace Essential Skills
This is a 15-week course designed to assist persons living with various intellectual or mental health disabilities gain practical employment skills in:

  • Reading (workplace reading such as manuals, news, memos, notices and policies)
  • Numeracy (cashier math, measurement math)
  • Document Use (forms, graphs, lists, checklists, tables, charts, reports, and more)
  • Working with Others (working independently, working as a team member, working in a leadership role)
  • Oral Communication (customer service, speaking, listening, phone skills, self-advocacy)
  • Computer Use
  • Writing
  • Continuous Learning
  • Thinking Skills (Job Task Planning, Finding Information, Memory, Decision Making, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking)

Focus Forward
Focus Forward is a new brand of WES program, managed by Key Industries but hosted on location at ADAPT agencies across New Brunswick, in English and French. The new program builds on WES’s Reading, Numeracy, Thinking, Customer Service and Writing skills by including an employability component, which teaches skills such as resumes, cover letters, the job search and interview skills. Classes run 5 days a week 4 hours per day, for 15 weeks. Schedules can be modified to suit an agency’s schedule.

Elite Support Services

This human service facilitated program supports offers:

  • One-on-one support for individuals who are met with daily challenges preventing them from adjusting to a work environment
  • Homemaker support
  • Personalized care
  • Life Skills
  • Community Connections
  • Music & Art Therapy
  • Communication

Social programs
A social program that strives to ensure that each individual reaches their goals through an individualized service plan. Although we focus on exploring employment-first options, we also offer the following social programs through the transition stage:

  • Music
  • Art
  • Health and Wellness
  • Computer Classes
  • Community Connections
  • Library
  • Snoezelen Relaxation room

Social Enterprise
Promo Heroes is a promotional product company that provides jobs and employment. Promo Heroes was re-branded in 2016, but our secret identity has been around since 1981 under the name “Key Industries Promotionals”. We have evolved into an organization that is doing great things in our community by providing numerous services for persons living with disabilities.

Promo Heroes is a member of our Saint John and global community; combating adversity and providing quality services for the greater good. 100% of the profits from Promo Heroes is reinvested into Key Industries’ employment-first programs and services designed to help individuals gain independence.

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